Gayatri Mantra

Carmen Belle White sings her expression of the Gayatri Mantra




(Sparklehorse Cover / Variation)



I Am Stardust



Song of Gaia



Concise Observations

New single out now.

This is a short preview - the full-length track is available to buy or stream online

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Wildwood Mantra

Recorded in October 2018 following a trip to Scotland. A personal journey around the Isle of Mull and Iona.

"When you drink in nature through your senses, you deepen your awareness of the great silent intelligence flowing through all things. You nourish your mind, body and spirit as you connect to the divine love of Being".

- Deepak Chopra

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Gayatri Mantra

Carmen Belle White sings her expression of the Gayatri Mantra. A gift for Humanity.