The Portal, the Pool of Hope

Image credit: Al Ishrak Sunny

Image credit: Al Ishrak Sunny


And they all gathered hand in hand around the Portal, the Pool of Hope. 

They knew suddenly at this awakened moment that a shift in Consciousness had miraculously occurred.

The deep peace anchored into each brother and sister and the gateway of the heart had opened to its fullest capacity.

The pink heart of each soul illuminated like a rainbow bridge linking each soul to its purest form. 

Once gathered at the Portal, the Pool of Hope, each soul recognised that they had reached a place of no beginning and no end. 

The White Swan appeared before them at the Portal, the Pool of Hope, and it's reflection mirrored an identical second swan showing us the Twin aspect of ourselves. 

The beauty and love it reflected back to us was always forever present.

The White Dove of Peace came into ceremony with her blessing from the Divine Cosmic Mother, her love and gentleness that we witnessed many times upon the Earth.

Her grace and soft cooing that had blessed us in many precious moments, giving us confirmation that her love was always bestowed upon us in our darkest hour.

A parting gift of a white feather she placed before you.

As we held hands and we tenderly smiled into the souls of each brother and sister, we knew the moment had come. 

We took a gentle breath and began to sound the primordial 'OM'.

Soft pink light radiated from each aura, expanding and radiating out into the atmosphere of heaven and earth. 

The Portal began to open slowly, then, rising from deep within, began to emerge the branches of the Holy thorn tree.

Opening from the ground, taking its first breath into the Pink Light and vibrating the sound OM.

New life has been birthed.

A New World.

A New Earth.

©️ Carmen Belle White

Carmen White